Dear Father,
Thank you for this day. Not a lot is going on. I am dealing with puppies this morning. I may need to listen to some music or something. It’s been really stresseful with the partitioning and everything. P. tried to get at J. this morning. Fortunately I had blocked her path, but man, this is hard. I love my babies, but am cominf to the conclusion that we may have to find J. a home.
I feel like none of them are happy with the new situation, and feel like I failed them somehow. J. used to pick on P. and so did B. But gradually P. got tired of it. It just kind of “escalated” as the vet said. I need to train P. But the only trainer I found wants $500 up front. That’s half my month’s wages. The vet gave me one other number, and her number wasn’t in service. So maybe I need to.. I don’t know.. try to find one myself, one that will take payment per lesson.
More later. Thank you Lord for six healthy years, I pray I have 60 more, should I live so long.