Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.


So, I gave God a burden I had been holding onto for a while. I felt so light and.. unhindered. I’m not sure about today. I feel a bit different.. I guess we will see how it goes. I blamed God for my illness for a long time, and blamed myself, too. Well, I think I can turn the page on that now. I do need to pray more as how to focus on God's kingdom rather than my own. I’ve been working on a graphic novella for a bit, too. It seems unrelated, but maybe that means that this healing is slowly unblocking me. I know this work requires more skill as an artist than I currently have. So, it will take time, but I would like to plan a schedule and deadlines to get it done in 6 to 9 months, in time for the local convention. Professional cartoonists always have deadlines. Whether it’s a schedule or a project, that’s what I need to focus on.

Dear Father 02012020

Dear Father 01282020