Dear Father,
Thank you for this day. Not a lot is going on. Here’s what’s on my heart. I don’t hate people who believe differently. I pray for them. I pray for you, reader. I’m telling you this in hopes you will open the bible, discover Jesus, and walk in the Way. That you will come to repentance, as we all should, and find in a relationship with God that for which you were made.
In our culture war, people redefine terms. Homosexuals become gay, gender dysphoric become transgender, illegal immigrants become dreamers. The easiest way to resist these ideas is by refusing to change the terms.
Facebook and twitter continually censor people because of their content. If the “new” ideas could hold up on their own, they could stand being criticized, or at least disagreed with. Since they don’t hold water, people get offended and angry, but they can’t defend their beliefs with logic.
Gender dysphoric youth have a problem, and it’s nothing to do with what they believe. The same medical treatment given to them today are the treatments given to homosexuals during the 30s and 40s. Hormone therapy doesn’t change your DNA, but it does make you infertile if it interferes with puberty. And I imagine most people who suffer from gender dysphoria as youths come to terms with it as adults. Not everyone, but most.
Now, to the rest of it.. I struggle with lust, so I don’t intend to preach against homosexuality, but I will say that it’s against what the bible teaches, not just in Leviticus but in Genesis. The first institution created by God was the family. Not with two dads, nor two moms, but one father and one mother, who agreed to love and stay together for life. There are other conflicts. What about the blended family? Both spouses have been married once already. That’s not right either, because of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew. Anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery, and anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. Heterosexual intercourse, outside of marriage, is called fornication. That’s wrong, too. No one is being targeted by the bible. The bible isn’t hateful. Orthodox Jews live by the Torah, Muslims by the Quran, and Christians by the bible. Of course, polygamy is also against God’s design. Yes, the patriarchs did it. Yes the monarchs in Israel did it. But it’s not right.
Look, as Christians we believe that if you obey God, you will be blessed. If you rebel against God there will be consequences. Believing truth results in true freedom, whereas believing lies results in being trapped by them. There is an absolute Truth, there is a moral authority that is dependent on what God ordained, not even what the laws of our country are for or against
Christians, wake up! Christ is coming soon! We have to be ready. We have to share the gospel, stand up for Truth, and let the dominoes fall where they may.