Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

Dear Father Valentine's

Dear Father,

You are the source of all that is holy and good. Thank you so much for this day! I prayed for your provision, and you already had it provided. Thank you so much!

So, I’m having trouble getting votes on Facebook. Comments just get trashed. It’s kind of frustrating when you can’t vote on it. So I may make a temporary poll page. I think that might be easiest. We’ll see. I’m feeling pretty good about it. I want to do a collaboration next month (LW), and Lord willing, I want to start giving physical artwork to my readers, once piece a month. I’ve already got 4 pieces ready, but I want to try and do art related to one of the comics (preferably the latest).

I’m feeling pretty good about it. Meeting E. soon for Valentine’s. I’ve got to get her presents. I don’t want to over do it, but maybe some chocolate covered strawberries. Maybe a bouquet of flowers? Or a Starbuck’s gift card? I think I should set a budget of $25? Get whatever I can from that, and then maybe we can split a case for her ukulele.

Things are looking up, and I’m glad. I was so worried about finances for so long. However, I want things to change. I know it’s hard to budget when your paycheck is different every month. But, Lord willing, I’m going to work on self-control when it comes to eating out and buying snacks during the day.

If I have to do meal prep, that’s fine. There’s plenty of things I can make or microwave.

God, I remind myself and my readers of Paul’s wisdom: “But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” (1 Tim 6:8-10). So many people in my country have much, much more.

Emily and I were talking about politics last night, and.. our politics align pretty closely, which is rare for couples. I believe it’s the church’s job to take care of the poor, not the government. We have excellent programs, particularly WIC, without which formula would be to costly, but we are reminded to remember the poor, and take care of the needs of those around us. In the church’s defense locally we have 5-7 soup kitchens and several food banks, but I think we can do more. I’ve offered to work on Mondays, but if that doesn’t work out, I need to try and find something I can do that evening, be it a bible study, or a small group, or something that benefits the church and the community.

There is so many drugs and so much poverty here. The youth are without hope. They graduate from high school and don’t have a lot of opportunities. I can’t fix it, but I will be on my knees, Lord willing, until God brings us revival, at least in Hooks. I pray for revival in our nation, but revival starts with one, or two, or a small group repenting of their sins, and seeking God’s face, and begging for him to move. Then it grows as God wills.

My mentor told me to focus in on the things I have control over, particularly with my creative work.

Well, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!


Dear Father 02182020

Old dreams 0212020