Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

Dear Father

Dear Father,

I wanted so much to make a comic today. Yet, that wasn’t Your will. I could probably make one now. I don’t honestly have the emotional bandwidth. I just want to goof off, spend some time with You, and go to bed. I won’t be able to go to church tomorrow. I’ll have to work. Sometimes I get a bit of schadenfreude by asking people what the sermon was about at church. It’s wrong, but most of the time? They can’t remember.

It’s not really fair because I don’t remember things well, too, and the reason I ask is because often, if I don’t take notes on something, I won’t remember it. Today I forgot something. I also.. have other emotional and mental limitations that affect me. I wish I was as sharp as I was, but I was so naïve. The me back then wouldn’t last two days in the world today. God really does bring us “from glory to glory”

My neighbors are starving their dog to death. I’m not really sure what I can do. I’ve prayed justice and mercy, and just don’t know what to do. I want to help, but it may not be my place. I know what it’s like to be an addict, not to drugs (can’t think almost), but to videogames. When I was a child, I forgot to feed my turtles and they starved to death. That was horrible of me, but I wasn’t a responsible adult. I want to judge this guy so much, and maybe.. am I right to though? Am I being hypocritical? An addict is an addict. Maybe I can come alongside and be like: dude, I get it. Maybe he can’t remember to feed the dog, or remember to buy it food. Maybe he spent the money for the food on drugs. God, drugs hurts so many people in my city.

Maybe it’s time for a drought. Or locusts.. or perhaps, just perhaps, that still small voice.

You know I always think of that “Ars Poetica” where

‘For all the history of human grief,

An open doorway, and a maple leaf’

And today someone wrote an article on Paradise Lost out of context. It was so frustrating. If you’re going to introduce someone to good literature (unless it’s an occult text or something), at least present it fairly. Don’t try to reinterpret it to fit what you want. Do I do that with Your Word, Lord? I pray not. Search me and know me. See if their is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Well, I believe you showed me my fault.

Dear Father 03032020

Dear Father 02292020