Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

The Onus

Okay, so, when Wiccans pray for healing, they think of a person, and masturbate. Releasing sexual “energy” is part of their practice. Some would say that’s only their religion. But what if we did the same thing, without realizing it?

If you lust after a real person, picture them in your mind, while pleasuring yourself, can you see that that’s witchcraft? It may not be intentional, you may not be doing it for a purpose, but the practice is the same. Men are visual when it comes to sex. I have found it’s more difficult to self-pleasure without fantasizing. It’s doable, but it’s not easy. However, that’s what we must do. If we don’t want greater sin in our heart than in our hand, then it’s important that we not get distracted, not give into the lustful thoughts with which our Enemy is tempting us.

Isn’t it about the heart anyway? Lust is in the heart, in the eyes. Yes, what we are doing feels good. The bible doesn’t forbid self-pleasure. It does forbid looking after someone, or imagining, lustfully. That’s where the sin lies, I believe.

I hope that helps. Oh, and you’ll probably be familiar with the story of Onan. Onan’s two older brothers died, so it was his obligation to raise children to keep the name of his brothers alive. He slept with his brother’s wife, but emitted on the ground so she would not conceive. His sin was how he treated his partner, using her like he did. If it were only in emitting outside of a woman, many men would have been struck dead. So, read the story (in Genesis), and make up your own mind.

Read the bible for yourself, and decide for yourself. You can ask your pastor, but it’s not your pastor’s job to do your homework for you. Read the bible every day, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach You. (I’m preaching to myself as far as invoking God to teach me).

Testimony.. truth from dialogue in a script?
