So, we all know things. You will say, ”That person’s perspective doesn’t matter, because of <X>”" Or “That person isn’t reliable,”
Let me tell you what I know, and for some of you readers, what you know. You know that void in your heart. Your dad was mean, or spiteful, or absentee. Your heart is broken, but it’s more than that. You are experiencing something that is common to every human. We all try to fill that hole in our souls.. but we can’t.
Most of you won’t agree with me when I say Jesus is the answer. But he is. Jesus loves us, but it’s more than that. Jesus knows that we need a relationship with His Father, God. So, knowing that, He willingly was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross for our sins. He rose to justify us and appear on the right hand of the Father to reconcile us to God. Please. I know your father wasn’t perfect. I know Christians aren’t perfect. You’ve had it hard. We all have in one way or another.
Come to Jesus. Be reconciled to God. We are not the heroes in our own story. Jesus is the hero in the story, because Jesus did what no one else could or would do: he became sin for us.
When Jesus returns.. I pray you think about these words, or the words your brother or mother or neighbor or friend said to you. Turn to Him. Because he is our only hope. Those who remain when Jesus returns will suffer more than the rest, but not as much as those who reject Him. Jesus is Lord. You can acknowledge him now, in a mutual relationship of love, or at the great white throne of judgment. Please, please, come to Jesus now.
He is waiting. Make today the day. Call on the Name of the Lord (Jesus)! Romans 10:13 “For everyone who calls on His name will be saved!”
If you want to be healed of fatherlessness, if you want to be in a relationship with the One for whom you were made (Jesus), come to Him. It’s not just about restoration with God. With Jesus, we have all we need. And without Him? No peace. Not in ourselves, not with God, and not with our neighbors.
What is the saying? Know Christ, know peace. No Christ, no peace.
Praying that helps.