Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

Don't go looking for it

God has been teaching me about addiction through my experience, and the one thing I can say about it is,

"Don't go looking for it,"

If you are wanting beer, don't drive by the 7-11. If you are wanting to game, don't go inside Gamestop. If you are looking for drugs, stay away from the dealer's house, his street, his neighborhood. You will always be tempted because of your personality. That's a given. You can be tempted when you are nowhere near your weakness. Don't go looking for it. Because when we "toy" with sin, we gradually lose control. Our little pile of willpower is whittled away, and we believe a lie: "You can quit when you want," "God understands," "It's a physiological need," "Do you know how many men/women struggle with this? God hasn't punished them," "It's not the action that's the sin, it's what's in the heart," Those are the things we hear, and we, like Eve, believe them because it's what we want to hear. Satan didn't tell her a lie that didn't appeal to her. Her appealed to the lust of her eyes. "That fruit sure looks good," "Maybe just a little taste?" "It'll make me wiser!" "I'll be like God," The bible doesn't seem to blame Eve very much. But Adam? We are reminded of his failure every time we give in to sin. Because we are repeating what Adam did, only ours is worse because we have more light.

So. Don’t go looking for it.

Balance? Take 2, or maybe 3