Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

Mental Health awareness Month

So, on the 30th of May I get a text about it being mental health awareness month. What?! Not even a nod in the news, nothing on social media. Now it's Pride month. And that will be on every outlet, information dissemination site (facebook, twitter)Twitter. Okay, fine.

But here’s the problem. When there are ranged weapons attacks on public property, everyone wants to restrict access on legal ranged weapons.

Criminals buy weapons illegally all the time! It’s not, was the person bullied? What could have been done to prevent or alleviate the pain and suffering that led up to the tragedy. And yes, they are tragedies, and we should “mourn with those who mourn".. but it’s a tool for ranged weapons control. I want the whole story. I want to know what motivated this guy to shoot up this doctor's office. Nobody is perfect, until they die according to the media. Everyone builds the tombs of the prophets, but do not acknowledge culpability for their deaths.

80% of the school kids in my local schools are fostered or raised by grandparents. The awful things that are happening are results of social engineering to destabilize the biblical family unit. The family was the first institution God created. Before government. Before the priesthood. If you could restore the family units, particularly the fathers to the fatherless, it would fix so much of this stuff. I was fatherless. The pain at times was nearly unbearable. But I survived not only because of a godly loving mother, but that God became my Father. And that was His sovereign choice.

I can’t fix any of this. But may the Lord make me a prayer warrior for these kids. God is the only hope. My generation, has, generally turned away. I don’t believe it’s God's will to restore my nation or grant revival in my lifetime. We have failed to share the gospel, to disciple our children. But perhaps God will see in them the same need He saw in me. Perhaps He will have mercy on a remnant. Perhaps He will take some of them under his wings and redeem them.

I love my nation. I love my people. And I don’t know where this is going. Either I and the church will come to repentance.. or we will have the bones of Christianity, empty closed churches. I can’t bring the church to repentance. But if the Lord wills, I can repent. And shift my course. To refocus on His will, His kingdom. And making disciples. Being about our Father’s business.

I may have to put some things on the altar. I may have to lose all i possess except my soul. But that I am prepared to lose to save others. May the Lord give us the strength to escape all that is going to happen. And for us to stand before the Son of Man.

Forgive the typos. I composed this on my mobile.


Pay your Vow!

The Kingdom of God? Whose God? Which god?