Dear Father,
Thank you for this day. Not a lot is going on. My great grandmother used to say that whatever you did on the first of the year, you would do for the rest of the year. I think it was a more encouraging form of a New Year’s resolution. There’s hope involved.
Let us put our hope in Jesus, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, despising its shame. “Therefore God has exalted Him and given Him the Name that is above every Name that may be named. That at the Name of Jesus, every knee will bow, whether in Heaven, on Earth, or under the Earth,”
Whether it’s doing a devotional, or praising God, or giving thanks (and hopefully all of those) let’s make an effort, and pray that we draw closer to God and He to us. “No one can come unless the Father draws them,” No one can repent unless God gives them that grace.
We are responsible for out actions, but it’s God who gives mercy. So as far as it depends on us, let to make the effort to finish the race strong. Persevering through persecution and trouble, “producing character, and character hope. Hope does not disappoint, for God has given us His Spirit.”
Hope that helps. Happy New Year.