Holy Father,
Thank you for this day. Not a lot is going on. E. is texting me. I watched a movie that had me in tears today. I don’t know what it is about movies, but they often bring me to tears. After that I feel somehow.. healed. Yesterday I prayed based on James, “Lord, wash my hands, for I have sinned, purify my heart that I might not be double-minded, and draw near to me that I may draw near to You,
You answered that prayer today. In an amazing way. Perhaps I should share that simple prayer. I never thought about praying scripture in such a unique way, but I have heard of people praying through the psalms in a similar way, so maybe I heard it and didn’t make the connection. Another good one would be:
Psalm 1:
“Lord, help me not to walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful, but delight in the law of the Lord, and meditate on it day and night,”
Scripture is something that is unlike anything else in creation. It is God-breathed, God’s very Word, an expression of Christ, I suppose. That’s probably speculative, but it does use Word for Jesus, and words of God for scripture. I can’t fathom it, and will most likely never be able to.
How many ways are there to read scripture? Feels like I’ve discovered another one.
More later.