So, I did a brief blog from the perspective of an apothecary. The idea was to learn about things like foods, essential oils, remedies, etc. Now I’m thinking about that again.
I want to reduce/eliminate three things from my diet, specifically.
1) dairy-cheese, milk, etc. All of it causes inflammation
2) sugar-Sugar feeds cancer. I’m only talking about processed sugar here (sucrose). Fructose is fine, so I will continue to indulge my love of fruit. After I clear out dairy, I’ll probably do #3 next, but still. Sugar feeds cancer. Not that I have cancer, but cutting out cokes and such should be a good thing. Naturally, I can’t get rid of all sugar, but I can try.
3) grains-potatoes, white bread. Whole grains is probably fine. Rice may be okay, but there’s always brown rice. All this stuff turns into sugar.
Lord willing, I’m going to learn more about nutrition, nontraditional medicine. I’m still going to take all my medicine, see my doctors, etc. This is an experiment, a long term one, and I don’t think it will end should I succeed.
I want to try to get more sleep, exercise (just cardio at first), and in the meantime learn guitar. One day, Lord willing, I hope to reduce screen time gradually as well. I will do other things, specifically hobbies that don’t require sitting all the time, and those that don’t keep me overusing my up close vision.
I could put all this on a separate blog, get all excited about it, and publish the heck out of it. I don’t think I will though. Bob started as a companion character to Mordred, the cat-man I made for a comic three years ago.
I think these are good long term goals, although I have others, and hope to continue being creative in whatever capacity I can.
More later, and thanks for reading.