I talked to an interesting customer at work today. She kind if inspired me. As you know, I struggle with a chronic illness. God healed me in 2014 of a lot of it, but it may be degenerative. So, it seems like I’m on borrowed time. We all are, but I have an acute awareness of it. I kay have 6 months, six years, etc. So, what to do with the time that remains? Share the gospel, take care of the things entrusted to me, and love God and my neighbor.
I want to spend some of that time learning new things. Guitar, Cantonese, and maybe some basic alternative medicine. Nothing too deep, just.. to learn. I also, Lord willing try to get healthier, to improve quality of life and maybe add to my clock a little if possible.
I think this is a good, long term goal. Lord, You are God. Please direct my paths as seems best to You. Help me to stay in your Will, and not turn to the right or the left. Amen.