Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

Dear Father 08022020

Dear Father,

I’m up a bit early today. I fed the pups and let them out. Je. didn’t want to go out, which is pretty normal f.or her. I fed Molly, and B. and P. went out as well. I’m super tired so I’m sure I’ll go back to bed, LW.

I would like to do some watercolor and ink today if possible. I made some last year and gave them to my cousin. They were cute. Well, more later.

(later that day)

Well, today we were reading Romans 5. It’s an excellent book, an excellent letter. An explanation of Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Why is this important? Well, many Christians think that when they stand before the judgment seat of Christ (Bhima), that they will have to answer for their sins. They may have to give a personal account, but Christ paid the penalty for our sins. Most scholars think that we will receive our rewards for the good deeds we did in Christ. Whether’s it’s praise from God, or the clothing of the Bride of Christ, or some kind of credit, I don’t know, but I do know that the righteous (God’s believing Jews and Gentiles) will receive some kind of reward for the good they’ve done, and the unrighteous (those who don’t trust in Christ and are not born again), will receive the penalties of the evil they have done.

You will say, ‘Well, what about the good things that nonbelievers have done for each others, for the world?”

Isaiah 64:6 tells us that apart from Christ, our good deeds are as filthy rags. Only when we do them to glorify God and are in a right relationship with Him, can we truly do good things.

So Jesus pays the penalty for his believers. The thing is, Jesus died for the whole world to know Him, to be forgiven and reconciled to God. If we choose not to accept Him, not to acknowledge Him as Lord in this life, then we will die in our sins, and be separated from God forever (Hell).

I know it’s not a perfect metaphor, but if you’ve ever seen a fish on land gasping for water, somehow I think that that is what Hell is like. Some have likened it to some kind of horrific mental hospital where no one ever escapes their delusions nor gets any better.

I’m not trying to scare you.

Come to Jesus now.

We are all sinners by nature and by choice (Romans 3:23)

We receive eternal life as a free gift! (Romans 6:23)

God demonstrated His love for us, His enemies. (Romans 5;8)

We must trust and surrender to Jesus as Lord. (Romans 10-9-10)

Our assurance of salvation through Jesus (Romans 10:13)

It’s your choice, and know that I am praying for you.



The Rest of my Testimony