Based iN the arklatex, Cartoonist TRemillian posts slice of life and criticism of culture using methods gleaned from literature studies and a biblical world view.

Dear Father,

Thank you for this day. I have a doctor's appointment today. After that I need to work in the yard. I've been hearing about this bonkers new curriculum for public schools. My friend is an oppressor, although he bags groceries. And he can do nothing to change that. Yet a local man who is a convicted rapist and drug abuser is oppressed, and not only a victim, but will always be a victim. He lacks agency in his own narrative, even if he were to quit drugs, repent, and climb the corporate ladder to be a CEO.

Folks are brainwashing other people's kids. And the gospel they so hate? Offers redemption, forgiveness, and restoration to anyone who repents and receives the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wokeness traps everyone who believes it. For no one can be the hero in their own story, as well as the villain or the victim.

Spiritual Warfare

Did you hear the good news?